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About us

e-future Co., Ltd. is an innovative ELT (English Language Teaching) publisher from South Korea, which has been creating English learning materials for children (British English) for over 20 years. They specialize in teaching English to the youngest learners.

Their offerings include complete English language courses for children aged 2 to 12, covering levels from pre-A1 to B2, as well as a wide range of materials that support the development of language skills in children: phonics, reading, listening comprehension, speaking, and grammar resources.

The publisher also offers a broad range of leveled readers for children and adolescents, including unique, award-winning comic books designed for English language learning, the only ones of their kind in the world.

Now, access to these readers is available in one place through an online library containing over 1,000 interactive readers.

e-future's English learning materials for children are appreciated by thousands of teachers in 30 countries worldwide.

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The Philosophy of e-future Publishing

The publisher focuses on the youngest learners, in preschool and early elementary school, believing that investing in early education will pay off in the future.

When creating English textbooks for children, e-future aims to best support children in making progress in learning a foreign language. To achieve this, the publisher takes a holistic approach to education, considering the broad spectrum of needs and aspirations of young learners through:

Enabling Students to Actively Set New Goals and Enthusiastically Participate in Learning

e-future designs its educational materials in a way that keeps students continuously engaged in the learning process. By using interactive exercises, educational games, and scenarios that reflect real-life situations, students have the opportunity to explore new language concepts independently, which strengthens their motivation for continued learning.

Placing Equal Importance on the Learning Process and Learning Outcomes

The publisher emphasizes that the process of learning is just as important as the results. Their textbooks include exercises that promote active participation and the development of critical thinking skills, rather than just rote memorization. This approach ensures that students not only acquire knowledge but also learn how to absorb it independently, which is essential for their long-term academic success.

Respecting the Individuality and Creativity of Each Student

e-future’s educational materials are designed with the diverse needs of students in mind. The textbooks include various tasks and projects that allow for a personalized approach to learning, considering the unique talents and interests of each child. The publisher promotes modern teaching methods that enable teachers to adapt lessons flexibly to meet each student’s needs and abilities, further reinforcing a sense of individuality and uniqueness among children.

An Educational Approach Based on the Learner's Emotional Stability and Holistic Development

In e-future’s textbooks, there are elements that support the emotional and social development of students, such as exercises in empathy, group collaboration, and self-reflection on emotions. As a result, students not only learn English but also develop interpersonal skills and the ability to cope with emotional challenges, which are crucial for their overall development as well-rounded, healthy individuals.

Why Do Both Teachers and Students Love e-future’s English Learning Materials So Much?

First, the curriculum is designed so that every child can easily master English. Vocabulary and grammar topics are presented in the most accessible way possible for children. Learning English becomes easy and motivating. Children enjoy the stories, pictures, songs, rhymes, and games that are catchy and engaging. Useful expressions are introduced and practiced in a way that allows every child to use them immediately. The Phonics materials are extremely helpful for learning to read and write. Vocabulary and grammar are revisited in a spiral manner, ensuring that children retain the material over the long term and actively use English.

Additionally, engaging projects, animations, charming characters, and CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) topics make students eager for the next lesson.

Teachers appreciate how easy it is to conduct lessons, thanks to the carefully crafted curriculum, which is tailored to the abilities and interests of the children. The wealth of printed materials such as flashcards, posters, tests, extra worksheets, parent letters, and more, as well as the online platform with animations, games, songs, and all course materials, gives teachers the ability to conduct engaging lessons both in person and online.

As a supplement to the course material, Phonics courses, My First Grammar, My Next Grammar, and the globally loved readers available in the online library are excellent additions to the learning experience.

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The history of e-future publishing

Historia wydawnictwa e-future lata 1994-2023 część 1
Historia wydawnictwa e-future lata 1994-2023 część 2
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
4.33 / 5.00 3 reviews
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
Jest ok. Za pierwszym razem rozczarowało mnie, że zamawiając wieczorem produkt cyfrowy nie jest to zautomatyzowane i muszę poczekać kolejnego dnia aż ktoś "otworzy", "spakuje" i "wyśle" zamówienie, ale gdy już wiedziałem o co chodzi to nie jest to specjalny minus.
Nie spodziewałem się że na produkt cyfrowy będę czekał jeden dzień. Myślałem, że jeszcze tego samego wieczoru, albo przejrzę sobie materiały, zanim pokaże dzieciakom. Informacja "Pliki do pobrania pojawią się w dziale 'Moje pliki' w panelu klienta po opłaceniu całego zamówienia." też była dosyć myląca. Bo sam dostęp został przekazany przez email. Ale produkt bardzo dobry, warto było czekać.