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e-Library - Read English kids books and comics online

Książki do nauki angielskiego online

Extensive reading in English for children

Over 1,000 beautifully illustrated books in English with varying levels of difficulty. Placement test, original comics and engaging stories with exercises and a reading progress panel for students and teachers.

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An effective way to learn English for children!

Over 1,000 children's books in English in one place, always at your disposal!

Graded readings appropriate for students of any skill level

Fascinating stories in English adapted to the child's language level - from comic books, which are the only ones in the world have been awarded in the field of literature for learning English, from classic Aesop's fables, Shakespeare's works to rhyming, catchy phonics readers for the youngest preschool readers.

You can check the publishing series available in the e-library here.

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For students

The online library is primarily intended to help students learn English naturally
through intensive reading, and not by memorizing words detached from the context.

Atuty biblioteki online - Funkcje ułatwiające naukę i czytanie

Functionalities that facilitate learning and reading

The online library has features that make it easier for your child to learn independently. The built-in Google dictionary allows you to translate individual words into the child's native language. Each book is available in audio version. When the native speaker reads, the appropriate fragment is highlighted, which allows you to follow the text. Marking books you've read and getting back to where you left off easily makes navigating to the library a breeze.

Level test

A short placement test is used to recommend suitable books from different genres to the reader. At the same time, the reader still has the opportunity to use the full database of over 1,000 books.

Atuty biblioteki online - Test poziomu
Atuty biblioteki online - Starannie dobrane treści

Carefully selected content

The online library is ad-free with content developed by educators and experts in children's literature.
Develops the desire to read and science, vocabulary,
grammar, pronunciation, as well as social skills.

Comprehension games

Each book comes with agame and quizzes with vocabulary
and expressions that appear in the text.

When learning a language, it is important not only to read, but also to speak.
The online library allows you to record yourself reading aloud.

Atuty biblioteki online - Gry sprawdzające zrozumienie
Atuty biblioteki online - Raport postępów

Progress report and book review

Clear reports show reading progress and activity results after reading.

For each book read, the child receives points which, based on gamification, motivate them to continue learning.

Older children who enjoy sharing their opinions have the opportunity to write their own book reviews, while also practicing writing in English.

For teachers and owners of English schools

Distinguish your school by using an easy-to-use platform with the ability to recommend books to students, track their reading progress and automatically correct exercises. Use modern technologies and present books in an interactive way – remotely or in the classroom, via screen sharing, an interactive whiteboard or a projector.

Easy configuration of features that every English teacher must have!

  • Manage students, create classes and assign students to them
  • Assignment to classes based on the results of placement tests
  • Recommending books for specific classes
  • View students' progress in reading and solving book activities
  • Teacher comment features

Check available group subscriptions

Opinions about the Online Library with children's books in English published by e-future

Angielski - biblioteka online - Opinia - zachęta do czytania
Angielski - biblioteka online - Opinie 2 - wspólne czytanie - nauka angielskiego nie tylko dla dzieci
Angielski - biblioteka online - Opinie 3 - w podróży
Angielski - biblioteka online - Opinie 4 - słuchanie i czytanie w jednym audiobook
Angielski - biblioteka online - Opinie 1 - angielski i montessori - materiały dla nauczyciela
Angielski - biblioteka online - Opinie 6 - angielski edukacja domowa

What children's books in English can you find in the e-future publishing house's online library?

Frequently asked questions

For what age children is the online library?

We recommend using the online library to all children, even those who cannot read yet, because the readers are read by native speakers. It is an excellent tool for learning English together with parents.

When will I receive a login and password after purchasing access to the online library?

You will receive your login and password by e-mail within 48 hours of purchasing access to the online library.

How will my child know which readers to read?

After logging in to the library, the child takes a short language test and will be offered readers at the appropriate language level, but can read all references available in the library.

What devices can you use the online library on?

We recommend using the library on a computer or tablet.


IdoSell Trusted Reviews
4.33 / 5.00 3 reviews
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
Jest ok. Za pierwszym razem rozczarowało mnie, że zamawiając wieczorem produkt cyfrowy nie jest to zautomatyzowane i muszę poczekać kolejnego dnia aż ktoś "otworzy", "spakuje" i "wyśle" zamówienie, ale gdy już wiedziałem o co chodzi to nie jest to specjalny minus.
Nie spodziewałem się że na produkt cyfrowy będę czekał jeden dzień. Myślałem, że jeszcze tego samego wieczoru, albo przejrzę sobie materiały, zanim pokaże dzieciakom. Informacja "Pliki do pobrania pojawią się w dziale 'Moje pliki' w panelu klienta po opłaceniu całego zamówienia." też była dosyć myląca. Bo sam dostęp został przekazany przez email. Ale produkt bardzo dobry, warto było czekać.