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eSmart Class - Learning Management System for English Teachers

eSmartClass - Learning Management System for English Teachers

Do you use e-future textbooks?
Start using eSmartClass!

eSmartClass provides an easy-to-use learning management system, class e-books, downloadable teaching resources, and online practice.

Use eSmartClass on a PC, tablet, or mobile device.
It has multi-device support.

Write or call to get access

Easy-to-use onlie LMS

Multimedia class e-books

Student books and workbooks are both available
and linked together in the e-book format.
eSmartClass - ebook

Simple LMS Design

Easy management of Student's practice / tests / portfolio
Track total learning time and learning time for each unit.

eSmart Class - Simple LMS Design

Extra online practice

A variety of practice activities can be used with each textbook.
eSmart Class - Practice

Track progress and achievements in each textbook

Progress can be monitored at at glance.
Receive a certificate of completion after finishing a book.

eSmart Class - Track Progress

Supported Content

Please check the available textbooks.

We provide downloadable resources, e-books, and online practice/tests.
All services are restricted for use by members only.

Write or call to get access

eSmart Class - Supported Content

How to Use

Easy-to-use process

Check the manual to learn more.

Download eSmart Class manual for teachers

eSmart Class - LMS - Main page

LMS - Teacher view - Main page

  1. When you log in with a teacher's ID, you will be directed to"My page."
  2. You can access your favorited e-books from "My e-book."
  3. You can check the practice and test results submitted by students.
  4. You can click Level test / Audio player/ certificate issuance features to use.

LMS - Teacher view - Student Management

  1. Click "Add Student" to register students to a class.
  2. "Add Group of Students" allows multiple students to be registered at the same time.
  3. You can modify student information and check their learning history and certificates earned.
  4. You can register a parent's account for your students.

* You must have a student registered in order to add them to a class.

eSmart Class - LMS - Student Management
eSmart Class - LMS - Class Management

LMS - Teacher view - Class Management

  1. Click "Add class" to create a class.
  2. You can select multiple textbooks for one class.
  3. Practice and tests will open for students once you complete class registration.
  4. You can modify class information.

LMS - Teacher view - Practice

  1. Select class, textbook, and unit to see the practice list for that unit.
  2. You can check progress and portfolios for students who have completed the practice and tests.
  3. Students can review incorrect answers by clicking on the number of the question.
  4. Students can preview questions in advance.

* Portfolios are only provided for tests.

eSmart Class - LMS - Practice
eSmart Class - LMS - e-books

LMS - Teacher view - Class e-books

  1. Please select e-book for your textbook.
  2. You can use the e-book by clicking the "Launch" button.
  3. You can access your favorited textbooks directly from My Page.

LMS - Teacher view - Downloads

  1. Additional materials are provided for use with each textbook.
  2. If you select Category / Series / Level you can see the specific supplemental materials for a textbook.
  3. Select the materials you need and download them at all at once.
eSmart Class - LMS - Downloads
eSmart Class - LMS - Messages

LMS - Teacher view - Messages

  1. Messages can also be found on student and parent pages.

LMS - Student view - Main page

Give your students an access to their books and workbooks, online practices and messages functionality to stay in contact with you. To make it easier for students to use the eSmart Class platform, you can provide them with the guide below.

Download eSmart Class manual for students

eSmart Class - LMS - Students access


Hand in Hand 1 Teacher's Manual

Hand in Hand 1 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hand in Hand 2 Teacher's Manual

Hand in Hand 2 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hand in Hand 3 Teacher's Manual

Hand in Hand 3 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hand in Hand 4 Teacher's Manual

Hand in Hand 4 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hand in Hand 5 Teacher's Manual

Hand in Hand 5 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hand in Hand 6 Teacher's Manual

Hand in Hand 6 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 1 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 1 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 2 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 2 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 3 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 3 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 4 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 4 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 5 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 5 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 6 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 6 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 1 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 1 Teacher's Manual

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 2 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 2 Teacher's Manual

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
My First Grammar 1 Teacher's Manual

My First Grammar 1 Teacher's Manual

27,57 € incl. VAT/1szt.
My First Grammar 3 Teacher's Manual

My First Grammar 3 Teacher's Manual

27,57 € incl. VAT/1szt.
My Next Grammar 1 Teacher's Manual

My Next Grammar 1 Teacher's Manual

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
My Next Grammar 2 Teacher's Manual

My Next Grammar 2 Teacher's Manual

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
My Next Grammar 3 Teacher's Manual

My Next Grammar 3 Teacher's Manual

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
School Phonics 4 Workbook

School Phonics 4 Workbook

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
School Phonics 3 Workbook

School Phonics 3 Workbook

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
School Phonics 2 Workbook

School Phonics 2 Workbook

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
School Phonics 1 Workbook

School Phonics 1 Workbook

33,33 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 6 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 6 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 4 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 4 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 3 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 3 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 2 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 2 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Let's Smile 1 Teacher's Manual

Let's Smile 1 Teacher's Manual

35,73 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 2 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 2 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 1 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 1 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

Speed Phonics 3 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Little Hands 2 Teacher's Manual

Little Hands 2 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Little Hands 3 Teacher's Manual

Little Hands 3 Teacher's Manual

28,53 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Magic Speaking 1

Magic Speaking 1

16,78 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Magic Speaking 2

Magic Speaking 2

16,78 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Magic Speaking 3

Magic Speaking 3

16,78 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hands on History 2 Middle Ages

Hands on History 2 Middle Ages

23,74 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hands on History 3 Age of Discovery

Hands on History 3 Age of Discovery

23,74 € incl. VAT/1szt.
Hands on History 4 Age of Imperialism

Hands on History 4 Age of Imperialism

23,74 € incl. VAT/1szt.
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
4.50 / 5.00 4 reviews
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
Jest ok. Za pierwszym razem rozczarowało mnie, że zamawiając wieczorem produkt cyfrowy nie jest to zautomatyzowane i muszę poczekać kolejnego dnia aż ktoś "otworzy", "spakuje" i "wyśle" zamówienie, ale gdy już wiedziałem o co chodzi to nie jest to specjalny minus.
Nie spodziewałem się że na produkt cyfrowy będę czekał jeden dzień. Myślałem, że jeszcze tego samego wieczoru, albo przejrzę sobie materiały, zanim pokaże dzieciakom. Informacja "Pliki do pobrania pojawią się w dziale 'Moje pliki' w panelu klienta po opłaceniu całego zamówienia." też była dosyć myląca. Bo sam dostęp został przekazany przez email. Ale produkt bardzo dobry, warto było czekać.